Evaluation module for DRV8828

Texas Instruments
Evaluation module for DRV8828
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey DRV8828EVM-ND 0 $163.90 $163.90 $163.90 $163.90 $163.90 $163.90
AVNET Express DRV8828EVM 0 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
element14 APAC DRV8828EVM 1 1 * $184.77 * $184.77 * $184.77 * $184.77 * $184.77 * $184.77
Farnell DRV8828EVM 1 1 * $139.36 * $139.36 * $139.36 * $139.36 * $139.36 * $139.36
Mouser Electronics 595-DRV8828EVM 0 1
Texas Instruments DRV8828EVM 18 $149.00

TPS2398 Evaluation Module

Texas Instruments
TPS2398 Evaluation Module
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey 296-18944-ND 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
AVNET Express TPS2398EVM 0 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Mouser Electronics 595-TPS2398EVM 0 1
Texas Instruments TPS2398EVM 19 $49.00

LP38798 Linear Regulator Evaluation Module

Texas Instruments
LP38798 Linear Regulator Evaluation Module
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey 296-38633-ND 0 $58.80 $58.80 $58.80 $58.80 $58.80 $58.80
Arrow North American Components LP38798EVM 0 1 $56.54 $55.97 $55.97 $57.12 $50.28 $50.28
AVNET Europe LP38798EVM 0 1 * $63.94 * $61.99 * $58.52 * $56.90 * $56.90 * $56.90
AVNET Express LP38798EVM 0 1 $59.78 $59.78 $59.78 $59.78 $59.78 $59.78
element14 APAC LP38798EVM 1 1 * $69.50 * $69.50 * $69.50 * $69.50 * $69.50 * $69.50
Farnell LP38798EVM 1 1 * $71.04 * $71.04 * $71.04 * $71.04 * $71.04 * $71.04
Mouser Electronics 595-LP38798EVM 8 1 $64.84 $64.84 $64.84 $64.84 $64.84 $64.84
Newark LP38798EVM 1 1 $65.43 $63.89 $63.89 $63.89 $63.89 $63.89
Texas Instruments LP38798EVM 10 1 $49.00 $49.00 $49.00 $49.00 $49.00 $49.00
Verical Marketplace LP38798EVM 18 1 $71.01 $67.12 $67.12 $67.12 $67.12 $67.12

TPS75525EVM Voltage Regulator Evaluation Module

Texas Instruments
TPS75525EVM Voltage Regulator Evaluation Module
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey 296-13591-ND 3 $58.80 $58.80 $58.80 $58.80 $58.80 $58.80
Arrow North American Components TPS75525EVM 0 1 $56.54 $58.58 $58.58 $57.33 $56.66 $56.66
AVNET Europe TPS75525EVM 0 1 * $63.94 * $61.99 * $58.52 * $56.90 * $56.90 * $56.90
AVNET Express TPS75525EVM 0 1 $59.78 $59.78 $59.78 $59.78 $59.78 $59.78
Mouser Electronics 595-TPS75525EVM 0 1 $63.39 $63.39 $63.39 $63.39 $63.39 $63.39
Texas Instruments TPS75525EVM 19 1 $49.00 $49.00 $49.00 $49.00 $49.00 $49.00
Verical Marketplace TPS75525EVM 23 1 $64.22 $60.66 $59.82 $59.82 $59.82 $59.82

ADS7924 Performance Demonstration Kit

Texas Instruments
ADS7924 Performance Demonstration Kit
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey 296-45604-ND 3 $239.99 $239.99 $239.99 $239.99 $239.99 $239.99
Arrow North American Components ADS7924EVM-PDK 0 1 $218.34 $209.03 $209.03 $203.81 $201.65 $177.41
AVNET Express ADS7924EVM-PDK 0 1 $213.50 $213.50 $213.50 $213.50 $213.50 $213.50
Mouser Electronics 595-ADS7924EVM-PDK 2 1 $260.01 $260.01 $260.01 $260.01 $260.01 $260.01
Texas Instruments ADS7924EVM-PDK 14 1 $175.00 $175.00 $175.00 $175.00 $175.00 $175.00
Verical Marketplace ADS7924EVM-PDK 2 1 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Evaluation Module for TPS54229E Synchronous Step-Down DCAP2 Mode Converter with Eco-Mode

Texas Instruments
Evaluation Module for TPS54229E Synchronous Step-Down DCAP2 Mode Converter with Eco-Mode
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey 296-52505-ND 5 $27.50 $27.50 $27.50 $27.50 $27.50 $27.50
Arrow North American Components TPS54229EEVM-056 0 1 $0.00 $25.84 $25.84 $25.54 $25.36 $25.36
AVNET Express TPS54229EEVM-056 0 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
element14 APAC TPS54229EEVM-056 0 1 * $30.80 * $30.80 * $30.80 * $30.80 * $30.80 * $30.80
Farnell TPS54229EEVM-056 0 1 * $29.05 * $29.05 * $29.05 * $29.05 * $29.05 * $29.05
Mouser Electronics 595-TPS54229EEVM-056 0 1
Newark TPS54229EEVM-056 0 1 $25.89 $25.89 $25.89 $25.89 $25.89 $25.89
Texas Instruments TPS54229EEVM-056 13 1 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00
Verical Marketplace TPS54229EEVM-056 5 2 $29.31 $29.31 $29.31 $29.31 $29.31

LM3401 MR16 Bulb Reference Design for Non-Dimming & Dimming LED Applications

Texas Instruments
LM3401 MR16 Bulb Reference Design for Non-Dimming & Dimming LED Applications
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey LM3401-MR16DEMO/NOPB-ND 1 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00
Mouser Electronics N/A 0

ADS5474-SP Evaluation Module

Texas Instruments
ADS5474-SP Evaluation Module
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey ADS5474EVM-CVAL-ND 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Mouser Electronics 595-ADS5474EVM-CVAL 0 1 $0.00
Texas Instruments ADS5474EVM-CVAL 18 1 $2,499.00 $2,499.00 $2,499.00 $2,499.00 $2,499.00 $2,499.00

DRIVECABLE04 Evaluation Kit

Texas Instruments
DRIVECABLE04 Evaluation Kit
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey 296-45678-ND 1 $623.75 $623.75 $623.75 $623.75 $623.75 $623.75
Mouser Electronics N/A 0

2 Channel, 200 KSPS, 10-Bit A D Converter Evaluation Module

Texas Instruments
2 Channel, 200 KSPS, 10-Bit A D Converter Evaluation Module
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey ADC102S021EVAL-ND 0 $159.08 $159.08 $159.08 $159.08 $159.08 $159.08
Mouser Electronics 926-ADC102S021EVAL 0 1