Analog Devices Inc.

The ADRF6821 is a highly integrated, dual radio frequency (RF) input, zero intermediate frequency (IF)/low IF RFIC receiverwith a quadrature demodulator, digital step attenuator (DSA),IF linear amplifiers, an integrated, fractional-N phase-locked loop (PLL), and a low phase noise, multicore, voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The RFIC is ideally suited for communication digital predistortion (DPD) systems.The high isolation 2:1 RF switch and on-chip wideband RFbalun enable the ADRF6821 to support two single-ended, 50 ? terminated RF inputs. A programmable attenuator ensures anoptimal differential RF input level to the high linearity demodulatorcore. The integrated attenuator offers an attenuation range of 15 dB with a step size of 1 dB. High linearity IF amplifiers follow the demodulator and provide an interface to the next componentin the chain, typically an analog-to-digital converter (ADC).The ADRF6821 offers two alternatives for generating thedifferential local oscillator (LO) input signal: internally viathe on-chip fractional-N synthesizer with low phase noiseVCOs or externally via a low phase noise LO signal. Theintegrated synthesizer enables continuous LO coverage from 450 MHz to 2800 MHz. The PLL reference input supports awide frequency range and includes integrated reference dividers before the phase frequency detector (PFD).When selected, the output of the internal fractional-N synthesizeris applied to a divide by 2, quadrature phase splitter. From theexternal LO path, a 2? LO signal can be used with the divide by 2,quadrature phase splitter to generate the quadrature LO inputs to the mixers.The ADRF6821 is fabricated using an advanced silicon germanium(SiGe), bipolar complementary metal oxide semiconductor(BiCMOS) process. It is available in a 56-lead, RoHS compliant,8 mm ? 8 mm LFCSP package with an exposed pad. Performanceis specified over the ?40?C to +105?C case temperature range.Applications Cellular W-CDMA/GSM/LTE DPD receivers? Microwave, point to point radios

$200.00 - * $274.80
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey ADRF6821-EVALZ-ND 1 $259.79 $259.79 $259.79 $259.79 $259.79 $259.79 Buy
Analog Devices Inc ADRF6821-EVALZ $264.82 $264.82 $264.82 $264.82 $264.82 $264.82 Buy
element14 APAC ADRF6821-EVALZ 3 1 * $283.96 * $283.96 * $283.96 * $283.96 * $283.96 * $283.96 Buy
Farnell ADRF6821-EVALZ 3 1 * $265.05 * $265.05 * $265.05 * $265.05 * $265.05 * $265.05 Buy
Mouser Electronics 584-ADRF6821-EVALZ 4 1 $274.07 $274.07 $274.07 $274.07 $274.07 $274.07 Buy
Newark ADRF6821-EVALZ 2 1 $270.18 $270.18 $270.18 $270.18 $270.18 $270.18 Buy