Analog Devices Inc.

The LTC2941 measures battery charge state in battery-supplied handheld PC and portable product applications. Its operating range is perfectly suited for single-cell Li-Ion batteries. A precision coulomb counter integrates current through a sense resistor between the battery?s positive terminal and the load or charger. The measured charge is stored in internal registers. An SMBus/I2C interface accesses and configures the device.The LTC2941 features programmable high and low thresholds for accumulated charge. If a threshold is exceeded, the device communicates an alert using either the SMBus alert protocol or by setting a flag in the internal status register.The LTC2941 requires only a single low value external sense resistor to set the current range. Integrated Sense Resistor LTC2941 No LTC2941-1 Yes Applications Low Power Handheld Products Cellular Phones MP3 Player Cameras GPS

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Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey 505-DC1496C-A-ND 19 $68.05 $68.05 $68.05 $68.05 $68.05 $68.05 Buy
Mouser Electronics N/A 0 Buy