Analog Devices Inc.

The HMC641ALC4 is a broadband non-reflective GaAs pHEMT SP4T switch in a compact 4x4 mm ceramic package. Covering DC to 20 GHz, this switch offers high isolation, low insertion loss and on-chip termination of isolated ports. This switch also includes an on board binary decoder circuit which reduces the number of required logic control lines from four to two. The HMC641ALC4 is controlled with 0/ -5V logic, exhibits fast switching speed and consumes much less DC current than pin diode based solutions.APPLICATIONS Telecom Infrastructure Microwave Radio & VSAT Military & Space Hybrids Test Instrumentation SATCOM & Sensors

* $233.36 - * $312.08
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey EV1HMC641ALC4-ND 1 $261.20 $261.20 $261.20 $261.20 $261.20 $261.20 Buy
Analog Devices Inc EV1HMC641ALC4 $266.30 $266.30 $266.30 $266.30 $266.30 $266.30 Buy
Arrow North American Components EV1HMC641ALC4 0 1 $207.76 $207.76 $207.76 $207.76 $207.76 $207.76 Buy
element14 APAC EV1HMC641ALC4 2 1 * $286.16 * $286.16 * $286.16 * $286.16 * $286.16 * $286.16 Buy
Farnell EV1HMC641ALC4 2 1 * $273.39 * $273.39 * $273.39 * $273.39 * $273.39 * $273.39 Buy
Mouser Electronics 584-EV1HMC641ALC4 4 1 $276.98 $276.98 $276.98 $276.98 $276.98 $276.98 Buy
Newark EV1HMC641ALC4 5 1 $276.94 $276.94 $276.94 $276.94 $276.94 $276.94 Buy
Verical Marketplace EV1HMC641ALC4 156 1 $234.49 $233.96 $227.80 $224.84 $224.84 $224.84 Buy
Win Source EV1HMC641ALC4 2 1 Buy