Analog Devices Inc.

The HMC797APM5E is a GaAs MMIC pHEMT Distributed Power Amplifier which operates between DC and 22 GHz. The amplifier provides 15 dB of gain, +29 dBm of output power at 1 dB gain compression, +31 dBm of saturated output power, and 25% PAE while requiring 400 mA from a +10 V supply. With up to +41 dBm of output IP3, the HMC797APM5E is ideal for high linearity applications in military and space as well as test equipment where high order modulations are used. This versatile PA exhibits a positive gain slope from 2 to 20 GHz making it ideal for EW, ECM, Radar and test equipment applications. The HMC797APM5E amplifier I/Os are internally matched to 50 ? facilitating integration into mutli-chip-modules (MCMs), is packaged in a leadless QFN 5x5 mm surface mount package, and requires no external matching components.Applications Test Instrumentation Military & Space Fiber Optics

* $1,071.74 - * $1,165.90
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey 505-EV1HMC797APM5-ND 3 $1,044.02 $1,044.02 $1,044.02 $1,044.02 $1,044.02 $1,044.02 Buy
Analog Devices Inc EV1HMC797APM5 $1,044.02 $1,044.02 $1,044.02 $1,044.02 $1,044.02 $1,044.02 Buy
element14 APAC EV1HMC797APM5 2 1 * $1,197.15 * $1,197.15 * $1,197.15 * $1,197.15 * $1,197.15 * $1,197.15 Buy
Farnell EV1HMC797APM5 2 1 * $1,071.74 * $1,071.74 * $1,071.74 * $1,071.74 * $1,071.74 * $1,071.74 Buy
Mouser Electronics 584-EV1HMC797APM5 4 1 $1,131.11 $1,131.11 $1,131.11 $1,131.11 $1,131.11 $1,131.11 Buy
Newark EV1HMC797APM5 1 $1,087.15 $1,087.15 $1,087.15 $1,087.15 $1,087.15 $1,087.15 Buy