Analog Devices Inc.

The HMC1119 is a broadband, highly accurate, 7-bit digitalattenuator, operating from 0.1 GHz to 6.0 GHz with 31.5 dBattenuation control range in 0.25 dB steps.The HMC1119 is implemented in a silicon process, offeringvery fast settling time, low power consumption, and high ESDrobustness. The device features safe state transitions and isoptimized for excellent step accuracy and high linearity overfrequency and temperature range. The RF input and output areinternally matched to 50 ? and do not require any externalmatching components. The design is bidirectional; therefore,the RF input and output are interchangeable.The HMC1119 has an on-chip regulator that can support a widesupply operating range from 3.3 V to 5.0 V with no performancechange in electrical characteristics. The HMC1119 incorporates adriver that supports serial (3-wire) and parallel controls of theattenuator.The HMC1119 comes in a RoHS-compliant, compact, 4 mm ?4 mm LFCSP package.A fully populated evaluation board is available.Applications Cellular infrastructure Microwave radios and very small aperture terminals (VSATs) Test equipment and sensors IF and RF designs

* $268.02 - * $288.85
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey 505-EV2HMC1119LP4M-ND 3 $278.24 $278.24 $278.24 $278.24 $278.24 $278.24 Buy
Analog Devices Inc EV2HMC1119LP4M $275.49 $275.49 $275.49 $275.49 $275.49 $275.49 Buy
element14 APAC EV2HMC1119LP4M 8 1 * $288.31 * $288.31 * $288.31 * $288.31 * $288.31 * $288.31 Buy
Farnell EV2HMC1119LP4M 3 1 * $268.02 * $268.02 * $268.02 * $268.02 * $268.02 * $268.02 Buy
Mouser Electronics 584-EV2HMC1119LP4M 3 1 $285.10 $285.10 $285.10 $285.10 $285.10 $285.10 Buy
Newark EV2HMC1119LP4M 1 1 $287.32 $287.32 $287.32 $287.32 $287.32 $287.32 Buy
Win Source EV2HMC1119LP4M 4770 Buy