Analog Devices Inc.

The AD5686R?nanoDAC+? is a quad, 16-bit, rail-to-rail, voltage output DAC. The device includes a 2.5V, 2ppm/?C internal reference (enabled by default) and a gain select pin giving a full-scale output of 2.5V (gain=1) or 5V (gain=2).The device operates from a single 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply, is guaranteed monotonic by design and exhibits less than 0.1% FSR gain error and 1.5mV offset error performance. The device is available in a 3mm X 3mm LFCSP and a TSSOP package.The AD5686R also incorporates a power-on-reset circuit and a RSTSEL pin that ensures the DAC outputs power up to zero-scale or midscale, and remain there until a valid write takes place. Each device contains a per-channel power-down feature that reduces the current consumption of the device to 4 uA at 3 V while in power-down mode.The AD5686R employs a versatile SPI interface that operates at clock rates up to 50 MHz and includes a VLOGIC pin intended for 1.8V/3V/5V logic.Product Highlights High Relative Accuracy: AD5686R (16-bit): ?2LSB INL max Low drift on-chip reference: 2.5 V, 2 ppm/?C temperature drift. Two package options: 3mm ? 3mm 16 lead LFCSP or 16 lead TSSOPApplications Optical transceivers Base-station power amplifiers Process control (PLC I/O cards) Industrial automation Data acquisition systems

$0.00 - * $72.68
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey 505-EVAL-AD5686RSDZ-ND 0 Buy
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-AD5686RSDZ $65.11 $65.11 $65.11 $65.11 $65.11 $65.11 Buy
element14 APAC EVAL-AD5686RSDZ 1 1 * $72.68 * $72.68 * $72.68 * $72.68 * $72.68 * $72.68 Buy
Farnell EVAL-AD5686RSDZ 2 1 * $68.78 * $68.78 * $68.78 * $68.78 * $68.78 * $68.78 Buy
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-AD5686RSDZ 0 1 Buy
Newark EVAL-AD5686RSDZ 1 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Buy