Analog Devices Inc.

The ADuC831 is a fully integrated 247 kSPS data acquisitionsystem incorporating a high performance self-calibrating multi-channel12-bit ADC, dual 12-bit DACs, and programmable8-bit MCU on a single chip.The microcontroller core is an 8052, and therefore 8051-instruction-set compatible with 12 core clock periods per machinecycle. 62 kBytes of nonvolatile Flash/EE program memory areprovided on-chip. Four kBytes of nonvolatile Flash/EE datamemory, 256 bytes RAM and 2 kBytes of extended RAM arealso integrated on-chip.The ADuC831 also incorporates additional analog functionalitywith two 12-bit DACs, power supply monitor, and a band gapreference. On-chip digital peripherals include two 16-bit ?-?DACs, dual output 16-bit PWM, watchdog timer, time intervalcounter, three timers/counters, Timer 3 for baud rate generationand serial I/O ports (I2C, SPI and UART).On-chip factory firmware supports in-circuit serial download anddebug modes (via UART), as well as single-pin emulation modevia the EA pin. The ADuC831 is supported by QuickStart? andQuickStart Plus development systems featuring low cost softwareand hardware development tools.?The part is specified for 3 V and 5 V operation over the extendedindustrial temperature range, and is available in a 52-lead plasticquad flatpack package and in a 56-lead chip scale package.Applications Optical networking?laser power control Base station systems Precision instrumentation, smart sensors Transient capture systems DAS and communications systems

* $59.95 - * $64.18
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey EVAL-ADUC831QSZ-ND 1 $74.88 $74.88 $74.88 $74.88 $74.88 $74.88 Buy
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-ADUC831QSZ $67.06 $67.06 $67.06 $67.06 $67.06 $67.06 Buy
Arrow North American Components EVAL-ADUC831QSZ 0 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Buy
element14 APAC EVAL-ADUC831QSZ 1 * $64.18 * $64.18 * $64.18 * $64.18 * $64.18 * $64.18 Buy
Farnell EVAL-ADUC831QSZ 1 * $59.95 * $59.95 * $59.95 * $59.95 * $59.95 * $59.95 Buy
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-ADUC831QSZ 5 1 $76.73 $76.73 $76.73 $76.73 $76.73 $76.73 Buy
Newark EVAL-ADUC831QSZ $56.98 $56.98 $56.98 $56.98 $56.98 $56.98 Buy