Texas Instruments TPS3851G33EDRBT


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onsemi LA4814JA


Texas Instruments OPA325IDBVR

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Texas Instruments OPA325IDBVT

Price $1.25
RoHS Compliant Compliant Not Compliant Y Compliant Not Compliant Compliant Y Compliant Y
Lead Status Yes Yes No Y Yes No Yes Y Yes Y
Reset Threshold Accuracy(%) 0.8
Output Driver Type / Reset Output Active-low,Open-drain
Time Delay(ms) 200
VCC(Max)(V) 6.5
Special Features Active Low Enable,Manual Reset,Watchdog Disable,Watchdog Timer
Watchdog Timer WDI(sec) Programmable
Rating Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog
Threshold Voltage 1(Typ)(V) 1.67,1.73,2.32,2.4,2.79,2.88,3.07,3.17,4.65,4.8
Operating Temperature Range(C) -40 to 125 0 to 70 0 to 70 -40 to 85
# of Supplies Monitored 1
Iq(Typ)(uA) 10
VCC(Min)(V) 1.6
Package Size mm2 mm2
Approx. Price (US$) 0.65 | 1ku 0.62 1ku 0.38 | 1ku 0.58 1ku
Monitored Voltage 2 (typ)(Nom)(V) N/A
Threshold Voltage 2 (typ)(Typ)(V) N/A
Monitored Voltage 1 (typ)(Nom)(V) 1.8,2.5,3,3.3,5
Max. Power to Parallel Bridge Tied Load 230 230
Analog Supply Max [V] 13.2 13.2
Closed/Open Loop Closed Closed
Max Speaker Outputs(#) 4 4
Package Size(mm2=WxL) [pf]44HTSSOP[/pf] [pf]44HTSSOP[/pf]
Analog Supply Min [V] 10.8 10.8
Max. Power to Bridge Tied Load 150 150
Min. Supported Bridge Tied Load 3 3
Input Type Analog Analog
Min. Supported Parallel Bridge Tied Load 2 2
Power Stage Supply Max(V) 38 38
Architecture Class-D CMOS CMOS
Audio input type Analog Input
Closed/open loop Closed
Control interface Hardware
Iq(typ)(mA) 35
Load(min)() 1
Operating temperature range(C) -40 -40 -40
Output power(W) 200
PSRR(dB) 60 85
Package area(mm^2) 113.4 8.12 8.12
Package size (L x W)(mm) 14 x 8.1 2.9 x 2.8 2.9 x 2.8
Package type HTSSOP SOT-23 SOT-23
Pin count 44 5 5.0
Power stage supply(max)(V) 45
Power stage supply(min)(V) 10
SNR(dB) 108
Speaker channels(max) Stereo
THD + N at 1 kHz(%) 0.02 inventory 6598 231595 192261
Approx. price(US$) 2.45 | 1ku .5 | 1ku .605 | 1ku
Output Power(W) 1 0.7 0.7
Operating Temperature ange(C) -40 to 85 -40 to 85
ating Catalog Catalog
Speaker Amp Type Class-AB Class-AB Class-AB
Speaker Channels Mono Mono
PS (dB) 65 85
Supply Max(Max)(Volt) 5.5 5.5
Supply Min(Min)(Volt) 2.5 2.5
Estimated Package Size (WxL)(mm2) [pf]10MSOP-PowerPAD[/pf] [pf]8MSOP-PowerPAD[/pf]
Shutdown Current (ISD)(uA) 7
Analog Supply (V)(Max) 5.5
Speaker Channels(Max) Mono
Analog Supply (V)(Min) 2.5
Iq per channel(Typ)(mA) 1.25
Audio Input Type Analog Input
CMRR(typ)(dB) 114 114
Features Zero Crossover Zero Crossover
GBW(typ)(MHz) 10 10
Input bias current(max)(pA) 10 10
Input common mode headroom (to negative supply)(typ)(V) -0.1 -0.1
Input common mode headroom (to positive supply)(typ)(V) 0.1 0.1
Iout(typ)(A) 0.03 0.03
Iq per channel(typ)(mA) 0.65 0.65
Number of channels 1 1
Offset drift(typ)(V/C) 2 2
Output swing headroom (to negative supply)(typ)(V) 0.01 0.01
Output swing headroom (to positive supply)(typ)(V) -0.01 -0.01
Rail-to-rail In,Out In,Out
Slew rate(typ)(V/s) 5 5
THD + N at 1 kHz(typ)(%) 0.0005 0.0005
TI functional safety category
TI package name DBV DBV
Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, 5 V = 10)(max)(V) 5.5 5.5
Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, 5 V = 10)(min)(V) 2.2 2.2
Vn at 1 kHz(typ)(nVHz) 10 10
Vos (offset voltage at 25C)(max)(mV) 0.15 0.15