Analog Devices Inc.

Category: Data Converters

The AD7237A / AD7247A is an enhanced version of the industry standard AD7237 / AD7247. Improvements include operation from 12 V to 15 V supplies, faster interface times and better reference variations with VDD. Additional features include faster settling times.The AD7237A / AD7247A is a complete, dual, 12-bit, voltage output digital-to-analog converter with output amplifiers and Zener voltage reference on a monolithic CMOS chip. No external user trims are required to achieve full specified performance.Both parts are microprocessor compatible, with high speed data latches and interface logic. The AD7247A accepts 12-bit parallel data which is loaded into the respective DAC latch using the WR input and a separate Chip Select input for each DAC. The AD7237A has a double buffered interface structure and an 8-bit wide data bus with data loaded to the respective input latch in two write operations. An asynchronous LDAC signal on the AD7237A updates the DAC latches and analog outputs.A REF OUT/REF IN function is provided which allows either the on-chip 5 V reference or an external reference to be used as a reference voltage for the part. For single supply operation, two output ranges of 0 V to +5 V and 0 V to +10 V are available, while these two ranges plus an additional ±5 V range are available with dual supplies. The output amplifiers are capable of developing +10 V across a 2 kΩ load to GND.The AD7237A / AD7247A is fabricated in Linear Compatible CMOS (LC2MOS), an advanced, mixed technology process that combines precision bipolar circuits with low power CMOS logic. Both parts are available in a 24-pin, 0.3' wide plastic and hermetic dual-in-line package (DIP) and are also packaged in a 24-lead small outline (SOIC) package.

* $57.08 - * $69.16
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey AD7247AANZ-ND 0 $38.63 $38.63 $38.63 $38.63 Buy
Analog Devices Inc AD7247AANZ $56.41 $52.99 $51.28 $48.38 $48.38 $48.38 Buy
Arrow North American Components AD7247AANZ 30 1 $35.08 $32.22 $29.38 $29.38 $29.38 $29.38 Buy
element14 APAC AD7247AANZ 12 1 * $69.16 * $69.16 * $49.40 * $49.40 * $45.19 * $45.19 Buy
Farnell AD7247AANZ 12 1 * $57.08 * $57.08 * $43.73 * $43.73 * $43.47 * $43.47 Buy
Mouser Electronics 584-AD7247AANZ 62 1 $57.27 $53.79 $52.05 $52.05 $49.11 $49.11 Buy
Newark AD7247AANZ 12 1 $59.72 $46.58 $41.77 $41.77 $41.77 $41.77 Buy
Verical Marketplace AD7247AANZ 30 1 $35.08 $32.22 $29.38 $29.38 $29.38 $29.38 Buy
Win Source AD7247AANZ 2200 1 Buy

Technical Specifications

ROHS Compliance Compliant