Analog Devices Inc.

Category: Power Management ICs

The ADM705/ADM706/ADM707/ADM708 microprocessorsupervisory circuits are suitable for monitoring 5 V powersupplies/batteries and microprocessor activity.The ADM705/ADM706 provide power-supply monitoringcircuitry that generate a reset output during power-up, powerdown,and brownout conditions. The reset output remainsoperational with VCC as low as 1 V. Independent watchdogmonitoring circuitry is also provided. This is activated if thewatchdog input has not been toggled within 1.60 sec.In addition, there is a 1.25 V threshold detector to warn ofpower failures, to detect low battery conditions, or to monitor anadditional power supply. An active low, debounced manual resetinput (MR) is also included.The ADM705 and ADM706 are identical except for the resetthreshold monitor levels, which are 4.65 V and 4.40 V, respectively.The ADM707 and ADM708 provide a similar functionality tothe ADM705 and ADM706 and only differ in that a watchdogtimer function is not available. Instead, an active high resetoutput (RESET) is available as well as the active low reset output(RESET). The ADM707 and ADM708 are identical except forthe reset threshold monitor levels, which are 4.65 V and 4.40 V,respectively.All devices are available in narrow 8-lead PDIP and 8-lead SOICpackages.Applications Microprocessor systems Computers Controllers Intelligent instruments Critical microprocessor supply monitoring

$0.66 - $7.80
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey 505-ADM706TARZ-ND 187 $6.16 $4.16 $3.64 $3.06 $2.46 $1.34 Buy
Analog Devices Inc ADM706TARZ $5.11 $4.59 $4.34 $3.76 $2.73 $2.73 Buy
Arrow North American Components ADM706TARZ 490 1 $3.70 $2.57 $2.54 $2.18 $2.18 $2.18 Buy
element14 APAC ADM706TARZ 174 1 * $5.79 * $3.87 * $3.87 * $2.95 * $2.76 * $2.76 Buy
Farnell ADM706TARZ 184 1 * $4.85 * $4.14 * $4.14 * $3.51 * $3.27 * $3.27 Buy
Mouser Electronics 584-ADM706TARZ 278 1 $5.42 $3.63 $3.63 $2.76 $2.44 $2.35 Buy
Newark ADM706TARZ 184 1 $4.87 $4.15 $3.73 $3.73 $3.52 $3.52 Buy
Verical Marketplace ADM706TARZ 2309 3 $4.54 $4.54 $4.54 $4.54 $4.54 Buy
Win Source ADM706TARZ 100781 90 $0.66 $0.48 $0.48 Buy

Technical Specifications

ROHS Compliance Compliant