Analog Devices Inc.

Category: Integrated Circuits (ICs)

The ADuM3400/ADuM3401/ADuM3402 are 4-channel digitalisolators based on the Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler® technology.Combining high speed CMOS and monolithic air coretransformer technology, these isolation components provideoutstanding performance characteristics superior to alternativessuch as optocoupler devices.iCoupler devices remove the design difficulties commonlyassociated with optocouplers. Typical optocoupler concernsregarding uncertain current transfer ratios, nonlinear transferfunctions, and temperature and lifetime effects are eliminatedwith the simple iCoupler digital interfaces and stable performancecharacteristics. The need for external drivers and other discretecomponents is eliminated with these iCoupler products. Furthermore,iCoupler devices consume one-tenth to one-sixth thepower of optocouplers at comparable signal data rates.The isolators provide four independent isolation channels in avariety of channel configurations and data rates (see theOrdering Guide). All models operate with the supply voltage oneither side ranging from 2.7 V to 5.5 V, providing compatibilitywith lower voltage systems as well as enabling a voltagetranslation functionality across the isolation barrier. Theisolators have a patented refresh feature that ensures dc correctnessin the absence of input logic transitions and during powerup/power-downconditions.In comparison to the ADuM1400/ADuM1401/ADuM1402isolators, the ADuM3400/ADuM3401/ADuM3402 isolatorscontain various circuit and layout changes to provide increasedcapability relative to system-level IEC 61000-4-x testing (ESD/burst/surge). The precise capability in these tests for either set ofisolators is strongly determined by the design and layout of theuser’s board or module. For more information, see the AN-793 application note, ESD/Latch-Up Considerations with iCoupler Isolation Products.Applications General-purpose multichannel isolation SPI/data converter isolation RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 transceivers Industrial field bus isolation

$3.26 - $12.07
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey ADUM3400ARWZ-RLDKR-ND 0 1 $6.38 $5.77 $5.25 $4.77 $4.17 $3.27 Buy
Analog Devices Inc ADUM3400ARWZ $7.19 $6.50 $6.19 $5.38 $4.28 $4.28 Buy
Arrow North American Components ADUM3400ARWZ 0 141 $5.89 $5.25 $4.92 $4.23 $3.19 $2.86 Buy
element14 APAC ADUM3400ARWZ 119 1 * $8.90 * $6.13 * $5.41 * $5.41 * $4.23 * $4.23 Buy
Farnell ADUM3400ARWZ 119 1 * $6.84 * $6.17 * $5.90 * $5.90 * $4.39 * $4.39 Buy
Mouser Electronics 584-ADUM3400ARWZ 3096 1 $6.82 $6.16 $5.87 $4.57 $3.75 $3.69 Buy
Newark ADUM3400ARWZ 70 1 $3.26 $3.26 $3.26 $3.26 $3.26 $3.26 Buy
Win Source ADUM3400ARWZ 8460 1 $5.67 $4.45 $3.91 $3.91 $3.91 Buy

Technical Specifications

ROHS Compliance Compliant