Texas Instruments

Category: Logic

CY29FCT520T 8-Bit Multi-Level Pipeline Register

$2.74 - $4.66
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey 296-33177-5-ND 0 $4.66 $4.19 $4.19 $3.43 $2.46 $2.46 Buy
Arrow North American Components CY29FCT520BTSOC 0 575 $3.19 $3.09 Buy
AVNET Europe CY29FCT520BTSOC 25 * $2.90 * $2.76 * $2.44 * $2.44 Buy
AVNET Express CY29FCT520BTSOC 12710 1 $2.59 $2.54 Buy
Mouser Electronics 595-CY29FCT520BTSOC 0 150 $3.05 $2.89 Buy
Perceptive CY29FCT520BTSOC 1163 1+ Buy
Texas Instruments CY29FCT520BTSOC 16450 1 $3.73 $3.73 $3.73 $3.27 $1.85 $1.85 Buy
Verical Marketplace CY29FCT520BTSOC 7475 575 $3.09 $3.09 Buy

Parts in family

Technical Specifications

Lead Free Status Yes
ROHS Compliance Yes
Operating Temperature Range(C) -40 to 85,-55 to 125
Package Group CDIP,SOIC
Package Size(mm2=WxL) [pf]24SOIC[/pf]
Rating Military
Technology Family FCT