Analog Devices Inc.

100mA Wireless Li-Ion Charger with Low Battery Disconnect Features: Complete Wireless Power Receiver, Li-Ion Charger and PowerPath™ Controller Wireless Input Power Control and Rectification Wideband Wireless Power Frequency: DC to >10MHz Pin-Selectable Charge Current: 10mA/25mA/50mA/100mA Pin-Selectable Charge Voltage: 4.0V/4.1V/4.2V/4.35V Pin-Selectable Low Battery Disconnect: 2.7V/3.2V Zero Battery Drain Current in Disconnect/Ship Mode Pin-Selectable Low Battery Pre-Charge Current Enable NTC Input for Temperature Qualified Charging Safety Charge Termination Timer Tiny Total Solution Size with Few Externals Small Thermally Enhanced 12-lead 2mm × 2mm LQFN Package

$82.35 - $155.26
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey 161-DC2769A-B-KIT-ND 0 $105.92 $105.92 $105.92 $105.92 $105.92 $105.92 Buy
Analog Devices Inc DC2769A-B-KIT $105.92 $105.92 $105.92 $105.92 $105.92 $105.92 Buy
element14 APAC DC2769A-B-KIT 2 1 * $116.15 * $116.15 * $116.15 * $116.15 * $116.15 * $116.15 Buy
Farnell DC2769A-B-KIT 2 1 * $104.00 * $104.00 * $104.00 * $104.00 * $104.00 * $104.00 Buy
Mouser Electronics 584-DC2769A-B-KIT 10 1 $109.62 $109.62 $109.62 $109.62 $109.62 $109.62 Buy
Newark DC2769A-B-KIT 2 1 $106.96 $106.96 $106.96 $106.96 $106.96 $106.96 Buy

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