Raspberry Pi

Category: Miscellaneous

ENCLOSURE RPI 2 & B+ RASPBERRY & WHITE; For Use With:Raspberry Pi Model B+ & Raspberry Pi 2 Model B; External Height:26mm; External Width:71mm; External Depth:96mm; Enclosure Material:-; Body Colour:Raspberry White; Product Range:-; Accessory Type:Enclosure; Features:5 Part Enclosure Raspberry coloured enclosure with White removable lid and side 4 rubber feet included; Kit Contents:Enclosure only Raspberry Pi not included

$0.00 - * $6.71
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
element14 APAC RASPBERRY-PI-CASE 229 1 * $2.71 * $2.71 * $2.71 * $2.71 * $2.71 * $2.71 Buy
Farnell RASPBERRY-PI-CASE 25 1 * $6.71 * $6.71 * $6.71 * $6.71 * $6.71 * $6.71 Buy
Newark RASPBERRY-PI-CASE 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Buy