Texas Instruments

Category: Drivers and Interfaces

TSB41AB1 IEEE 1394a One-Port Cable Transceiver/Arbiter

$0.49 - $585.41
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1000 10000 Purchase
DigiKey 296-11074-ND 206 $4.62 $3.51 $3.23 $3.47 $2.49 $2.49 Buy
AVNET Asia Pacific TSB41AB1PAP 160 $2.02 $1.97 Buy
AVNET Europe TSB41AB1PAP 120 160 * $2.70 * $2.54 Buy
AVNET Express TSB41AB1PAP 84104 1 $2.76 $2.71 Buy
element14 APAC TSB41AB1PAP 233 1 * $6.00 * $5.39 * $5.10 * $5.01 * $5.01 * $5.01 Buy
Farnell TSB41AB1PAP 232 1 * $5.73 * $5.13 * $4.64 * $4.41 * $4.41 * $4.41 Buy
Freelance TSB41AB1PAP 20 Buy
Mouser Electronics 595-TSB41AB1PAP 117 1 $4.62 $3.24 $3.24 $2.85 $2.73 $2.63 Buy
Newark TSB41AB1PAP 425 1 $6.11 $5.74 $5.19 $4.98 $4.98 $4.98 Buy
Perceptive TSB41AB1PAP 7130 1+ Buy
RS Components TSB41AB1PAP $585.41 Buy
RS Components (APAC) TSB41AB1PAP $79.09 Buy
Texas Instruments TSB41AB1PAP 15376 1 $3.79 $3.79 $3.79 $3.32 $1.88 $1.88 Buy
Win Source TSB41AB1PAP 27100 125 $0.35 $0.35 Buy

Parts in family

Technical Specifications

Lead Free Status Yes
ROHS Compliance Yes
1394 Support 1394a
Approx. Price (US$) 1.58 | 1ku
Operating Temperature Range(C) 0 to 70
Package Size mm2
Ports 1
Rating Catalog
Speed(Max)(Mbps) 400
Supply Voltage(s)(V) 3.3