Analog Devices Inc.
The AD5940 and AD5941 are high precision, low power analog front ends (AFEs) designed for portable applications that require high precision, electrochemical-based measurement techniques, such as amperometric, voltammetric, or impedance measurements. The AD5940/AD5941 is designed for skin impedance and body impedance measurements, and works with the AD8233 AFE in a complete bioelectric or biopotential measurement system. The AD5940/AD5941 is designed for electrochemical toxic gas sensing.The AD5940/AD5941 consist of two high precision excitation loops and one common measurement channel, which enables a wide capability of measurements of the sensor under test. The first excitation loop consists of an ultra low power, dual-output string, digital-to-analog converter (DAC), and a low power, low noise potentiostat. One output of the DAC controls the noninverting input of the potentiostat, and the other output controls the noninverting input of the transimpedance amplifier (TIA). This low power excitation loop is capable of generating signals from dc to 200 Hz.The second excitation loop consists of a 12-bit DAC, referred to as the high speed DAC. This DAC is capable of generating high frequency excitation signals up to 200 kHz.The AD5940/AD5941 measurement channel features a 16-bit, 800 kSPS, multichannel successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with input buffers, a built in antialias filter, and a programmable gain amplifier (PGA). An input multiplexer (mux) in front of the ADC allows the user to select an input channel for measurement. These input channels include multiple external current inputs, external voltage inputs, and internal channels. The internal channels allow diagnostic measurements of the internal supply voltages, die temperature, and reference voltages.The current inputs include two TIAs with programmable gain and load resistors for measuring different sensor types. The first TIA, referred to as the low power TIA, measures low bandwidth signals. The second TIA, referred to as the high speed TIA, measures high bandwidth signals up to 200 kHz.An ultra low leakage, programmable switch matrix connects the sensor to the internal analog excitation and measurement blocks. This matrix provides an interface for connecting external transimpedance amplifier resistors (RTIAs) and calibration resistors. The matrix can also be used to multiplex multiple electronic measurement devices to the same wearable electrodes.A precision 1.82 V and 2.5 V on-chip reference source is available. The internal ADC and DAC circuits use this on-chip reference source to ensure low drift performance for the 1.82 V and 2.5 V peripherals.The AD5940/AD5941 measurement blocks can be controlled via direct register writes through the serial peripheral interface (SPI) interface, or, alternatively, by using a preprogrammable sequencer, which provides autonomous control of the AFE chip. 6 kB of static random access memory (SRAM) is partitioned for a deep data first in, first out (FIFO) and command FIFO. Measurement commands are stored in the command FIFO and measurement results are stored in the data FIFO. A number of FIFO related interrupts are available to indicate when the FIFO is full.A number of general-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs) are available and controlled using the AFE sequencer. The AFE sequencer allows cycle accurate control of multiple external sensor devices.The AD5940/AD5941 operate from a 2.8 V to 3.6 V supply and are specified over a temperature range of ?40?C to +85?C. The AD5940 is packaged in a 56-lead, 3.6 mm ? 4.2 mm WLCSP. The AD5941 is packaged in a 48-lead LFCSP.APPLICATIONS Electrochemical measurements Electrochemical gas sensors Potentiostat/amperometric/voltammetry/cyclic voltammetry Bioimpedance applications Skin impedance Body impedance Continuous glucose monitoring Battery impedance
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey 505-EVAL-AD5941ELCZ-ND 18 $321.91 $321.91 $321.91 $321.91 $321.91 $321.91
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-AD5941ELCZ 0 $317.80 $317.80 $317.80 $317.80 $317.80 $317.80
element14 APAC EVAL-AD5941ELCZ 4 1 * $338.99 * $338.99 * $338.99 * $338.99 * $338.99 * $338.99
Farnell EVAL-AD5941ELCZ 4 1 * $314.32 * $314.32 * $314.32 * $314.32 * $314.32 * $314.32
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-AD5941ELCZ 8 1 $342.59 $342.59 $342.59 $342.59 $342.59 $342.59
Newark EVAL-AD5941ELCZ 2 1 $333.42 $333.42 $333.42 $333.42 $333.42 $333.42


Analog Devices Inc.
The AD7124-8 is a low power, low noise, completely integratedanalog front end for high precision measurement applications.The device contains a low noise, 24-bit ?-? analog-to-digitalconverter (ADC), and can be configured to have 8 differentialinputs or 15 single-ended or pseudo differential inputs. The onchiplow gain stage ensures that signals of small amplitude canbe interfaced directly to the ADC.One of the major advantages of the AD7124-8 is that it gives theuser the flexibility to employ one of three integrated powermodes. The current consumption, range of output data rates,and rms noise can be tailored with the power mode selected.The device also offers a multitude of filter options, ensuring thatthe user has the highest degree of flexibility.The AD7124-8 can achieve simultaneous 50 Hz and 60 Hzrejection when operating at an output data rate of 25 SPS (singlecycle settling), with rejection in excess of 80 dB achieved at loweroutput data rates.The AD7124-8 establishes the highest degree of signal chainintegration. The device contains a precision, low noise, lowdrift internal band gap reference and accepts an externaldifferential reference, which can be internally buffered. Otherkey integrated features include programmable low drift excitationcurrent sources, burnout currents, and a bias voltage generator,which sets the common-mode voltage of a channel to AVDD/2.The low-side power switch enables the user to power downbridge sensors between conversions, ensuring the absoluteminimal power consumption of the system. The device alsoallows the user the option of operating with either an internalclock or an external clock.The integrated channel sequencer allows several channels to beenabled simultaneously, and the AD7124-8 sequentially convertson each enabled channel, simplifying communication with thedevice. As many as 16 channels can be enabled at any time, achannel being defined as an analog input or a diagnostic suchas a power supply check or a reference check. This uniquefeature allows diagnostics to be interleaved with conversions.The AD7124-8 also supports per channel configuration. Thedevice allows eight configurations or setups. Each configurationconsists of gain, filter type, output data rate, buffering, andreference source. The user can assign any of these setups on achannel by channel basis.The AD7124-8 also has extensive diagnostic functionalityintegrated as part of its comprehensive feature set. Thesediagnostics include a cyclic redundancy check (CRC), signalchain checks, and serial interface checks, which lead to a morerobust solution. These diagnostics reduce the need for externalcomponents to implement diagnostics, resulting in reducedboard space needs, reduced design cycle times, and cost savings.The failure modes effects and diagnostic analysis (FMEDA) of atypical application has shown a safe failure fraction (SFF) greaterthan 90% according to IEC 61508.The device operates with a single analog power supply from 2.7 Vto 3.6 V or a dual 1.8 V power supply. The digital supply has arange of 1.65 V to 3.6 V. It is specified for a temperature rangeof ?40?C to +125?C. The AD7124-8 is housed in a 32-leadLFCSP package.Note that, throughout this data sheet, multifunction pins, suchas DOUT/RDY, are referred to either by the entire pin name orby a single function of the pin, for example, RDY, when onlythat function is relevant.Applications Temperature measurement Pressure measurement Industrial process control Instrumentation Smart transmitters
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey 505-EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ-ND 0 $71.95 $71.95 $71.95 $71.95 $71.95 $71.95
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ 0 $71.02 $71.02 $71.02 $71.02 $71.02 $71.02
Arrow North American Components EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ 2 1 $55.73 $55.73 $55.73 $55.73 $55.73 $55.73
element14 APAC EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ 2 1 * $75.03 * $75.03 * $75.03 * $75.03 * $75.03 * $75.03
Farnell EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ 5 1 * $72.86 * $72.86 * $72.86 * $72.86 * $72.86 * $72.86
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ 0 1 $57.51
Newark EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ 3 1 $76.11 $76.11 $76.11 $76.11 $76.11 $76.11
Verical Marketplace EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ 62 1 $55.73 $55.73 $55.73 $55.73 $55.73 $55.73
Win Source EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ 720


Analog Devices Inc.
The AD7147 CapTouch? controller is designed for use with capacitance sensors implementing functions such as buttons, scroll bars, and wheels. The sensors need only one PCB layer, enabling ultrathin applications.The AD7147 is an integrated CDC with on-chip environmental calibration. The CDC has 13 inputs channeled through a switch matrix to a 16-bit, 250 kHz sigma-delta (?-?) converter. The CDC is capable of sensing changes in the capacitance of the external sensors and uses this information to register a sensor activation. By programming the registers, the user has full control over the CDC setup.High resolution sensors require minor software to run on the host processor.The AD7147 is designed for single electrode capacitance sensors (grounded sensors). There is an active shield output to minimize noise pickup in the sensor.The AD7147 has on-chip calibration logic to compensate for changes in the ambient environment. The calibration sequence is performed automatically and at continuous intervals as long as the sensors are not touched. This ensures that there are no false or non-registering touches on the external sensors due to a changing environment.The AD7147 has an SPI-compatible serial interface, and the AD7147-1 has an I2C?-compatible serial interface. Both parts have an interrupt output, as well as a GPIO. There is a VDRIVE pin to set the voltage level for the serial interface independent of VCC.The AD7147 is available in a 24-lead, 4 mm ? 4 mm LFCSP and operates from a 2.6 V to 3.6 V supply. The operating current consumption in low power mode is typically 26 ?A for 13 sensors.APPLICATIONS Cell phones Personal music and multimedia players Smart handheld devices Television, A/V, and remote controls Gaming consoles Digital still cameras?
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey EVAL-AD7147-1EBZ-ND 6 $200.32 $200.32 $200.32 $200.32 $200.32 $200.32
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-AD7147-1EBZ 0 $201.28 $201.28 $201.28 $201.28 $201.28 $201.28
element14 APAC EVAL-AD7147-1EBZ 1 1 * $216.85 * $216.85 * $216.85 * $216.85 * $216.85 * $216.85
Farnell EVAL-AD7147-1EBZ 1 1 * $201.06 * $201.06 * $201.06 * $201.06 * $201.06 * $201.06
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-AD7147-1EBZ 4 1 $208.31 $208.31 $208.31 $208.31 $208.31 $208.31
Newark EVAL-AD7147-1EBZ 3 1 $210.26 $210.26 $210.26 $210.26 $210.26 $210.26


Analog Devices Inc.
The AD7147 CapTouch? controller is designed for use with capacitance sensors implementing functions such as buttons, scroll bars, and wheels. The sensors need only one PCB layer, enabling ultrathin applications.The AD7147 is an integrated CDC with on-chip environmental calibration. The CDC has 13 inputs channeled through a switch matrix to a 16-bit, 250 kHz sigma-delta (?-?) converter. The CDC is capable of sensing changes in the capacitance of the external sensors and uses this information to register a sensor activation. By programming the registers, the user has full control over the CDC setup.High resolution sensors require minor software to run on the host processor.The AD7147 is designed for single electrode capacitance sensors (grounded sensors). There is an active shield output to minimize noise pickup in the sensor.The AD7147 has on-chip calibration logic to compensate for changes in the ambient environment. The calibration sequence is performed automatically and at continuous intervals as long as the sensors are not touched. This ensures that there are no false or non-registering touches on the external sensors due to a changing environment.The AD7147 has an SPI-compatible serial interface, and the AD7147-1 has an I2C?-compatible serial interface. Both parts have an interrupt output, as well as a GPIO. There is a VDRIVE pin to set the voltage level for the serial interface independent of VCC.The AD7147 is available in a 24-lead, 4 mm ? 4 mm LFCSP and operates from a 2.6 V to 3.6 V supply. The operating current consumption in low power mode is typically 26 ?A for 13 sensors.APPLICATIONS Cell phones Personal music and multimedia players Smart handheld devices Television, A/V, and remote controls Gaming consoles Digital still cameras?
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey EVAL-AD7147EBZ-ND 8 $200.32 $200.32 $200.32 $200.32 $200.32 $200.32
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-AD7147EBZ 0 $201.28 $201.28 $201.28 $201.28 $201.28 $201.28
element14 APAC EVAL-AD7147EBZ 4 1 * $213.75 * $213.75 * $213.75 * $213.75 * $213.75 * $213.75
Farnell EVAL-AD7147EBZ 4 1 * $201.06 * $201.06 * $201.06 * $201.06 * $201.06 * $201.06
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-AD7147EBZ 4 1 $208.31 $208.31 $208.31 $208.31 $208.31 $208.31
Newark EVAL-AD7147EBZ 4 1 $209.36 $209.36 $209.36 $209.36 $209.36 $209.36


Analog Devices Inc.
The AD7191 is a low noise, complete analog front end for high precision measurement applications. It contains a low noise, 24-bit sigma-delta (?-?) ADC. The on-chip low noise gain stage means that signals of small amplitude can be interfaced directly to the ADC. It contains two differential analog inputs. The part also includes a temperature sensor that can be used for temperature compensation.For ease-of-use, all the features of the AD7191 are controlled by dedicated pins. The on-chip PGA has a gain of 1, 8, 64, or 128, supporting a full-scale differential input of ?5 V, ?625 mV, ?78 mV, or ?39 mV. The output data rate can be programmed to 10 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, or 120 Hz. Simultaneous 50 Hz and 60 Hz rejection is obtained when the output data rate is set to 10 Hz or 50 Hz; 60 Hz only rejection is obtained when the output data rate is set to 60 Hz. The AD7191 can be operated with the internal clock, or an external clock can be used.The part operates with a power supply of 3 V to 5.25 V. It consumes a current of 4.35 mA. It is available in a 24-lead TSSOP package.ApplicationsWeigh scalesStrain gauge transducersPressure measurementMedical and scientific instrumentation
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey EVAL-AD7191EBZ-ND 1 $74.06 $74.06 $74.06 $74.06 $74.06 $74.06
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-AD7191EBZ 0 $73.16 $73.16 $73.16 $73.16 $73.16 $73.16
Arrow North American Components EVAL-AD7191EBZ 0 1 $59.46 $59.46 $59.46 $59.46 $59.46 $59.46
element14 APAC EVAL-AD7191EBZ 0 1 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12
Farnell EVAL-AD7191EBZ 0 1 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-AD7191EBZ 6 1 $75.71 $75.71 $75.71 $75.71 $75.71 $75.71
Newark EVAL-AD7191EBZ 0 $55.32 $55.32 $55.32 $55.32 $55.32 $55.32
Verical Marketplace EVAL-AD7191EBZ 19 1 $74.09 $74.09 $74.09 $74.09 $74.09 $74.09


Analog Devices Inc.
The AD7266 is a dual, 12-bit, high speed, low power, successive approximation ADC that operates from a single 2.7 V to 5.25 V power supply and features throughput rates up to 2 MSPS. The device contains two ADCs, each preceded by a 3-channel multiplexer, and a low noise, wide bandwidth track-and-hold amplifier that can handle input frequencies in excess of 30 MHz.The conversion process and data acquisition use standard control inputs allowing easy interfacing to microprocessors or DSPs. The input signal is sampled on the falling edge of CS; conversion is also initiated at this point. The conversion time is determined by the SCLK frequency. There are no pipelined delays associated with the part.The AD7266 uses advanced design techniques to achieve very low power dissipation at high throughput rates. With 5 V supplies and a 2 MSPS throughput rate, the part consumes 6.2 mA maximum. The part also offers flexible power/throughput rate management when operating in normal mode as the quiescent current consumption is so low.The analog input range for the part can be selected to be a 0 V to VREF (or 2 ? VREF) range, with either straight binary or twos complement output coding. The AD7266 has an on-chip 2.5 V reference that can be overdriven when an external reference is preferred. This external reference range is 100 mV to VDD.PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS Two Complete ADC Functions Allow Simultaneous Sampling and Conversion of Two Channels. Each ADC has three fully/pseudo differential pairs, or six single-ended channels, as programmed. The conversion result of both channels is simultaneously available on separate data lines, or in succession on one data line if only one serial port is available. High Throughput with Low Power Consumption. The AD7266 offers a 1.5 MSPS throughput rate with 11.4 mW maximum power dissipation when operating at 3 V. The AD7266 offers both a standard 0 V to VREF input range and a 2 ? V input range. No Pipeline Delay. The part features two standard successive approximation ADCs with accurate control of the sampling instant via a CS input and once off conversion control.
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey EVAL-AD7266EDZ-ND 0 $68.04 $68.04 $68.04 $68.04 $68.04 $68.04
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-AD7266EDZ 0 $67.06 $67.06 $67.06 $67.06 $67.06 $67.06
element14 APAC EVAL-AD7266EDZ 0 1 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12
Farnell EVAL-AD7266EDZ 0 1 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-AD7266EDZ 0 1 $69.40 $69.40 $69.40 $69.40 $69.40 $69.40
Newark EVAL-AD7266EDZ 0 $56.98 $56.98 $56.98 $56.98 $56.98 $56.98


Analog Devices Inc.
The AD7280A contains all the functions required for general-purpose monitoring of stacked lithium ion batteries as used in hybrid electric vehicles, battery backup applications, and power tools. The part has multiplexed cell voltage and auxiliary ADC measurement channels for up to six cells of battery management. An internal ?3 ppm reference is provided that allows a cell voltage accuracy of ?1.6 mV. The ADC resolution is 12 bits and allows conversion of up to 48 cells within 7 ?s.The AD7280A operates from just one VDD supply that has a range of 8 V to 30 V (with an absolute maximum rating of 33 V). The part provides six differential analog input channels to accommodate large common-mode signals across the full VDD range. Each channel allows an input signal range, VIN(+) ? VIN(?), of 1 V to 5 V. The input pins assume a series stack of six cells. In addition, the part includes six auxiliary ADC input channels that can be used for temperature measurement or system diagnostics.The AD7280A includes on-chip registers that allow a sequence of channel measurements to be programmed to suit the applications requirements.The AD7280A also includes a dynamic alert function that can detect if the cell voltages or auxiliary ADC inputs exceed an upper or lower limit defined by the user. The AD7280A has cell balancing interface outputs designed to control external FET transistors to allow discharging of individual cells.The AD7280A includes a built in self-test feature that internally applies a known voltage to the ADC inputs.There is a daisy-chain interface that allows up to eight parts to be stacked without the need for individual device isolation.The AD7280A requires only one supply pin that takes 6.5 mA under normal operation, while converting at 1 MSPS.All this functionality is provided in a 48-lead LQFP package operating over a temperature range of ?40?C to +105?C.APPLICATIONS Lithium ion battery monitoring Electric and hybrid electric vehicles Power supply back up Power tools
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey EVAL-AD7280AEDZ-ND 4 $173.34 $173.34 $173.34 $173.34 $173.34 $173.34
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-AD7280AEDZ 0 $180.56 $180.56 $180.56 $180.56 $180.56 $180.56
element14 APAC EVAL-AD7280AEDZ 0 1 * $165.65 * $165.65 * $165.65 * $165.65 * $165.65 * $165.65
Farnell EVAL-AD7280AEDZ 0 1 * $136.75 * $136.75 * $136.75 * $136.75 * $136.75 * $136.75
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-AD7280AEDZ 1 1 $186.86 $186.86 $186.86 $186.86 $186.86 $186.86
Newark EVAL-AD7280AEDZ 0 $140.63 $140.63 $140.63 $140.63 $140.63 $140.63
Win Source EVAL-AD7280AEDZ 2 1


Analog Devices Inc.
The AD7291 is a 12-bit, low power, 8-channel, successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an internal temperature sensor.The part operates from a single 3.3 V power supply and features an I2C-compatible interface. The part contains a 9-channel multiplexer and a track-and-hold amplifier than can handle frequencies up to 30 MHz. The device has an on-chip 2.5 V reference that can be disabled to allow the use of an external reference.The AD7291 provides a 2-wire serial interface compatible with I2C interfaces. The I2C interface supports standard and fast I2C interface modes. The AD7291 normally remains in a partial power-down state while not converting and powers up for conversions. The conversion process can be controlled by a command mode where conversions occur across I2C write operations or an autocycle mode selected through software control.The AD7291 includes a high accuracy band gap temperature sensor, which is monitored and digitized by the 12-bit ADC to give a resolution of 0.25?C.The AD7291 offers a programmable sequencer, which enables the selection of a preprogrammable sequence of channels for conversion.On-chip limit registers can be programmed with high and low limits for the conversion results; an out-of-range indicator output (ALERT) becomes active when the programmed high or low limits are violated by the conversion result. This output can be used as an interrupt. Product HighlightsIdeally suited to monitoring system variables in a variety of systems including telecommunications, process control, and industrial control.I2C-compatible serial interface. Standard and fast modes.Automatic partial power-down while not converting to maximize power efficiency.Channel sequencer operation.Integrated temperature sensor with 0.25?C resolution.Out of range indicator that can be software disabled or enabled.
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey 505-EVAL-AD7291SDZ-ND 1 $69.03 $69.03 $69.03 $69.03 $69.03 $69.03
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-AD7291SDZ 0 $68.06 $68.06 $68.06 $68.06 $68.06 $68.06
element14 APAC EVAL-AD7291SDZ 0 1 * $63.25 * $63.25 * $63.25 * $63.25 * $63.25 * $63.25
Farnell EVAL-AD7291SDZ 0 1 * $53.78 * $53.78 * $53.78 * $53.78 * $53.78 * $53.78
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-AD7291SDZ 5 1 $70.44 $70.44 $70.44 $70.44 $70.44 $70.44
Newark EVAL-AD7291SDZ 0 $55.32 $55.32 $55.32 $55.32 $55.32 $55.32
Win Source EVAL-AD7291SDZ 2700 1


Analog Devices Inc.
The AD7293 is a PA drain current controller containing functionality for general-purpose monitoring and control of current, voltage, and temperature, integrated into a single chip solution with an SPI-compatible interface.The device features a 4-channel, 12-bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC, eight 12-bit DACs (four bipolar and four unipolar with output ranges that can be configured to shut down under external pin control), a ?1.25?C accurate internal temperature sensor, and eight general-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins.The device also includes limit registers for alert functions and four high-side current sense amplifiers to measure current across external shunt resistors. These amplifiers can be optionally set to operate as part of four independent closed-loop drain current controllers.A high accuracy 2.5 V internal reference is provided to drive theDACs and the ADC. The 12-bit ADC monitors and digitizes theinternal temperature sensor, and two inputs are included for theexternal diode temperature sensors.Product Highlights Four independent closed-loop drain current controllers. Built-in monitoring, sequencing, and alert features. Compatible with both depletion mode and enhancement mode power amplifiers.Applications GaN and GaAs power amplifier monitoring and controls Base station power amplifiers General-purpose system monitoring and controls
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey 505-EVAL-AD7293SDZ-ND 0 $251.41 $251.41 $251.41 $251.41 $251.41 $251.41
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-AD7293SDZ 0 $256.80 $256.80 $256.80 $256.80 $256.80 $256.80
element14 APAC EVAL-AD7293SDZ 0 1 * $335.98 * $335.98 * $335.98 * $335.98 * $335.98 * $335.98
Farnell EVAL-AD7293SDZ 0 1 * $226.80 * $226.80 * $226.80 * $226.80 * $226.80 * $226.80
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-AD7293SDZ 4 1 $265.77 $265.77 $265.77 $265.77 $265.77 $265.77
Newark EVAL-AD7293SDZ 4 1 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00


Analog Devices Inc.
The AD7366?/ AD7367 are dual 12-bit/14-bit, high speed, low power, successive approximation analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) that feature throughput rates up to 1 MSPS. The device contains two ADCs, each preceded by a 2-channel multiplexer, and a low noise, wide bandwidth track-and-hold amplifier.The AD7366 / AD7367 are fabricated on the Analog Devices, Inc., industrial CMOS process (iCMOS), which is a technology platform combining the advantages of low and high voltage CMOS. The iCMOS process allows the AD7366 / AD7367 to accept high voltage bipolar signals in addition to reducing power consumption and package size. The AD7366 / AD7367 can accept true bipolar analog input signals in the ?10 V range, ?5 V range, and 0 V to 10 V range.The AD7366 / AD7367 have an on-chip 2.5 V reference that can be disabled to allow the use of an external reference. If a 3 V reference is applied to the DCAPA and DCAPB pins, the AD7366 / AD7367 can accept a true bipolar ?12 V analog input. Minimum ?12 V VDD and VSS supplies are required for the ?12 V input range.PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS The AD7366 / AD7367 can accept true bipolar analog input signals, as well as ?10 V, ?5 V, ?12 V (with external reference), and 0 V to 10 V unipolar signals. Two complete ADC functions allow simultaneous sampling and conversion of two channels. 1 MSPS serial interface: SPI-/QSPI-/DSP-/MICROWIRE-compatible interface.
Distributor SKU Stock MOQ 1 10 50 100 1,000 10,000
DigiKey 505-EVAL-AD7367SDZ-ND 1 $68.04 $68.04 $68.04 $68.04 $68.04 $68.04
Analog Devices Inc EVAL-AD7367SDZ 0 $67.06 $67.06 $67.06 $67.06 $67.06 $67.06
element14 APAC EVAL-AD7367SDZ 0 1 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12 * $67.12
Farnell EVAL-AD7367SDZ 0 1 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41 * $55.41
Mouser Electronics 584-EVAL-AD7367SDZ 5 1 $69.40 $69.40 $69.40 $69.40 $69.40 $69.40
Newark EVAL-AD7367SDZ 0 $56.98 $56.98 $56.98 $56.98 $56.98 $56.98